Buena Vista Social Club

Playing other instruments
But it turned out that
one of my neighbours...

...was a man calledcame to know as Arsenio
He had a great band
And he heard me play
But Arsenio was blind
Not from birth
He had an accident
and lost his sight

Anyway, one day he said:
Ruben, would you like
to join my band?

I said yes, of course
He'd had a pianist who'd left
He'd gone to Europe
I played in Arsenio's band
for about four years

I had a few hits
People always said Arsenio
liked to pick fights

He'd get really angry when
people argued back

He'd stand there, listening
Then leap in the direction
of the voice

But of course, he was blind
So they'd all run away
And whoever it was would say
"Quiet, don't let him catch me"

And poor Arsenio would
stumble about

And get really angry
Because people were
nasty to him

He was a big fat guy,
taller than anyone

He used to make me laugh
