Chaverim Shel Yana, Ha-

I'm leaving too. On a plane.
In two months.

The apartment?
The apartment and Israel.

-Just like that...

I'm going to America
to study.

Film school.
Is this yours?
-Yes. Want to see it?

You like it?
It's a circumcision. I film
all kinds of family events.

Weddings, circumcisions...
This is my job.

You've never seen?..
Your husband isn't...?

They don't do that in Russia?
Oops! Sorry about that...
Hello? -Can I speak
with Yanna? -It's for you.

How's your roommate?
Wait a second.
Thanks for the coffee.
Where are you? -At my mother's.
How are you doing?

They keep calling from the bank.
-What do they want?

They want us to come at once.
Then go see them yourself.
And?.. -Tell them
I'm going to be delayed.

What's all this? You said
you'd be back in two weeks.

It's gonna take time
to see some profit.

When did you decide to stay?
-I can't talk now.
