Chaverim Shel Yana, Ha-

Oops! Sorry about that...
Hello? -Can I speak
with Yanna? -It's for you.

How's your roommate?
Wait a second.
Thanks for the coffee.
Where are you? -At my mother's.
How are you doing?

They keep calling from the bank.
-What do they want?

They want us to come at once.
Then go see them yourself.
And?.. -Tell them
I'm going to be delayed.

What's all this? You said
you'd be back in two weeks.

It's gonna take time
to see some profit.

When did you decide to stay?
-I can't talk now.

Something wrong?
But it's not mine! I swear!
Get your hands off! - I told
them, but they don't believe me

That's my stuff! -It was!
It's being repossessed.

But I didn't get any warning!
-Lady, let us by.

No? And the letters
from the bank? -What letters?

l didn't get anything.
-Excuse me.

Of course not! You move
every other day.

What? I've been living here
for 2 years.

I don't have time for games.
Leave off. What's with you?

Do you have the cash?
Do you have the cash?

What cash?
-Twenty thousand.

Eli, I'll explain.
This has nothing to do with you.

It's the loan we took. -Come on.
Sign here. This is all we took.

Costs included.
-I'm not signing anything.

What's wrong with you?!
Here! Calm down!
-That's my living.

it's my work. I need
to use that tonight.
