And what if it does?
Everything will die, Mason.
In seconds, everything
for hundreds of miles.
That's why you need his truck.
It's clean.
Check the immediate area.
This was supposed to be
a quick in and out.
You have ten percent
of 100 million dollars comin' your way.
I think we can impose on you
for a little overtime.
You're the only one I can trust.
The only one who understands...
what this m-means, Mason, Mason.
Doc! Doc, wait.
Doc, wait.
Wait, Doc.
No! No!
Sorry, man, he's dead.
It's after 5:00, sir.
Our satellite link is on schedule.
Should I start the feed?
Get'em on line, then stall.
Long can't have gotten far.
- Closin' down, sir.
- Vaughn, Burke,
move to the end of the street.
Fan out and work your way
back to the motel.
We gotta get help.
Aw, fuck! It's dead.