Doc! Doc, wait.
Doc, wait.
Wait, Doc.
No! No!
Sorry, man, he's dead.
It's after 5:00, sir.
Our satellite link is on schedule.
Should I start the feed?
Get'em on line, then stall.
Long can't have gotten far.
- Closin' down, sir.
- Vaughn, Burke,
move to the end of the street.
Fan out and work your way
back to the motel.
We gotta get help.
Aw, fuck! It's dead.
- Mornin'.
- Is this your establishment?
Yeah, they call me Darlene.
Well, then, how about
a cup of coffee, Darlene?
- Iced coffee.
- I assume you want that to go.
Assumptions are always dangerous.
- That's quite a get up for jacking deer.
- I beg your pardon.
You wanna hunt outta season,
it's cool with me.
But most people, they just take a six
and a rifle. You, on the other hand,
look like you're after
something more dangerous.
Actually, I was just looking
for a restroom. I assume you have one.
Assumptions are always dangerous.
There is one in the back.