Look! Just look at this!
-What is this?
-Look at him!
Hugging a Negro
on the cover of Look!
I didn't know it'd turn out
like that.
You knew? You knew about this
and didn't tell anybody?
Who gave you permission
to be on the cover of Look?
Gosh dog, Peejoe, you're famous!
You might as well start packing now!
Go on, Dove.
Read it. "Night of Agony."
I'm so ashamed.
Now, look here, Earlene.
You think he looks bad?
Look at John Doggett.
That's it!
I want them out of this house!
You're just gonna
have to call your old mother.
I'm sorry, but this is the last straw!
Don't be silly. He can't help
that they took his picture.
I can't stand the idea
of everybody talking about us!
Excuse me, Miss Clay.
You're wanted on the set.
Honey, I'm wanted in 17 states.
If you'll follow me.
Thank you.
-Got your lines down?
-I stayed up the night practising.
Relax and have fun. Would you
introduce her to everyone, Amanda?
-Okay, people, let's go!
-Can I put my husband here?
-And here you are.
-Thank you.
Break a leg.
I'm Darrin today.
You're Carolyn, aren't you?
Great hair.
Thank you. You're Darrin?
I'm his stand-in.
I feed you his lines.
How you doing?
I'm Endora.
-I don't understand.
We're shooting cutaways. They'll
bring the real actors in Thursday.
You just pretend I'm Darrin.
They'll plug him in later.
Folks back home are never
gonna believe this.
"Lucille Fleur pays a visit."
Scene 7, take 1.
And action!
I was hoping you would say yes.
"Yes" is my favourite word
in the whole world.
I beg your pardon?
Aren't you looking for Miss Jasmine
for your ad campaign?