-Got your lines down?
-I stayed up the night practising.
Relax and have fun. Would you
introduce her to everyone, Amanda?
-Okay, people, let's go!
-Can I put my husband here?
-And here you are.
-Thank you.
Break a leg.
I'm Darrin today.
You're Carolyn, aren't you?
Great hair.
Thank you. You're Darrin?
I'm his stand-in.
I feed you his lines.
How you doing?
I'm Endora.
-I don't understand.
We're shooting cutaways. They'll
bring the real actors in Thursday.
You just pretend I'm Darrin.
They'll plug him in later.
Folks back home are never
gonna believe this.
"Lucille Fleur pays a visit."
Scene 7, take 1.
And action!
I was hoping you would say yes.
"Yes" is my favourite word
in the whole world.
I beg your pardon?
Aren't you looking for Miss Jasmine
for your ad campaign?
We are. Won't you sit down, Miss...?
Lucille Fleur.
And cut.
-Come off it, Sarah.
Dignity, Samantha. Dignity.
Well, hello, Samantha.
My, but it has been a long time,
hasn't it?
She's one of us,
though I hate to admit it.
What are you doing with my husband?
Your husband?
Carolyn, that was swell.
Nice job, everyone! That's a wrap
on Carolyn Clay, and that's a wrap!
Look, Chester.
I made it. I'm here.
And they love me, you know?
I was good.