Sebastian...Let's try and focus.
What can I say?I'm a fool.
- You're not a fool.- I am. A poor little rich boy.
It's not your fault.Adolescence is a difficult time.
Without great parenting,things can go awry.
But you have to rise abovetheir mistakes. Here.
- An autographed copy. For me?- It's yours.
Stop being so hard on yourself.What's in the past is over.
You're right.
It's hard to believe there was atime when I only thought about sex.
It's no way to go through life.
Take yourself, for example.
You're a very attractive woman.You have killer legs.
I'd love to photograph them...That was the old me.
I'm cured now.Same time next week?
I'm going on my book tour.I'll be back in a month.
- Why?- Other people need my help, too.
- You'll do just fine.- I hope so.
If you need anything, just call.