Cruel Intentions

Court's invited me to the Hamptons
for Labour Day weekend.

- That's great.
- You think so?

- I guess I'm just scared.
- Of what?

Boys. I've never even got
to first base with a guy.

Haven't you practiced
on a girlfriend?

- No, that's gross.
- How do you think girls learn?

Close your eyes and wet your lips.
- Are you for real?
- Do you want to learn?

I guess.
- That wasn't so scary.
- It was nothing.

Let's try it again. This time I'll
stick my tongue in your mouth.

Massage my tongue with yours.
That's what first base is.

- Okay.
- Eyes closed.

- Not bad.
- That was cool.

Maybe you should try it
on your friend Ronald sometime.

- What are you saying?
- It's obvious he's crazy about you.

He sends me love letters.
- How romantic. Have you responded?
- No.
