Aah! Wait, wait!
I know what we could do!
I got it!
Give me a second to think here!
Wait! Whoa!
[Tina Moaning]
Oh, yes. Ohh!
Mmmm. Ohh.
[Moaning Continues]
Oh, God!
Oh, no one has ever
touched my feet before.
[Moaning Continues]
Deuce Bigalow?
Detective Fowler,
I want to ask you a few questions
about Antoine Laconte,
known gigolo,
male prostitute.
I'm just taking care
of his fish.
I'll bet you are.
You make me sick.
You're gonna tell me
that gigantic woman didn't just
pay you to have sex with her?
- No!
- Let me tell you something, mister.
I can sleep at night because I make
a decent, God-fearing, honest living.
I'm sure you do,
but there's nothing I can tell you.
Oh, I think there is.
What do you think
of this?
- You think I can get anything
for it? You know, money?
- I don't know!
- Yeah, you think
I'm a loser, don't you?
- No, I don't.
Well, maybe I am a loser, but I'm
a loser who can bust your ass.
You tell Antoine
I'm gonna nail him.
[Zipper Zips]
- [Rings]
- [Woman] Hello.
- Is this Ruth?
- Yeah. I'll be right down--
Goddamn it!