
Go back to your paper routes,
you Mighty Duck Fucks!

Did you see that shit, man?

I know they were just kids, but we
kicked their fucking pube-less asses!

I don't know what to say
or think, except--

That you'll offer us sex
as a reward?

That I'd like to know
who they and you are.

I'm Jay, and this is
my hetero life mate, Silent Bob.

I don't know who those kids were,
but they would have kicked yours...

and Lunchbox's asses
ifl hadn't represented.

Thanks for being
out here so late.

Wait a minute.
Are you protestors?

You mean those dick heads with the signs
and pictures of dead babies?

Shit no!
Me and Silent Bob are pro-choice.

A woman's body
is her own fucking business.

But what are you doing
hanging around?

We're here to pick up chicks.
Excuse me?
We figure abortion clinics are
a good place to meet loose women.

Why else would they be here
unless they like to fuck?

Well, I should be going.
Thanks for the rescue.

- I think.
- Wait a second.

We just saved your ass,
and you'rejust gonna take off.

What the shit is that?
I had a weird night last night and
tonight's not shaping up to be better.

I think I should go home,
take some Perco sets and lay down.

Now how about that shit?
Fuck this town, man!

I'm goin´ back to Jersey
and startin´ up the business again.

I can kick the shit out of kids
in Red Bank and make myself a profit.
