You mean those dick heads with the signs
and pictures of dead babies?
Shit no!
Me and Silent Bob are pro-choice.
A woman's body
is her own fucking business.
But what are you doing
hanging around?
We're here to pick up chicks.
Excuse me?
We figure abortion clinics are
a good place to meet loose women.
Why else would they be here
unless they like to fuck?
Well, I should be going.
Thanks for the rescue.
- I think.
- Wait a second.
We just saved your ass,
and you'rejust gonna take off.
What the shit is that?
I had a weird night last night and
tonight's not shaping up to be better.
I think I should go home,
take some Perco sets and lay down.
Now how about that shit?
Fuck this town, man!
I'm goin´ back to Jersey
and startin´ up the business again.
I can kick the shit out of kids
in Red Bank and make myself a profit.
Prophets. Two of'em.
- You know what I'm sayin´, Silent Bob?
- You gotta be kidding me.
We call this piece "The Fecalator."
One look at it and the target
shits him or herself.
Try it on.
It's a lot more compact than the flaming
sword, but not nearly as impressive.
It doesn't have that
"Wrath ofthe Almighty" edge to it.
How am I supposed to strike fear into
hearts ofthe wicked with this thing?
Look at this.
Well, then, you know, don't use a gun.
Lay the place to waste like.
Easy foryou to say.
You get off light in a razing.
You got to stand there and read
at Sodom and Gomorrah.
I had to do all the work.
What work did you do?
You lit a few fires.
I rained down sulfur.
There's a subtle difference.
Okay, I'm sure.
Fuckyou. Any moron with a pack
of matches can set a fire.