Prophets. Two of'em.
- You know what I'm sayin´, Silent Bob?
- You gotta be kidding me.
We call this piece "The Fecalator."
One look at it and the target
shits him or herself.
Try it on.
It's a lot more compact than the flaming
sword, but not nearly as impressive.
It doesn't have that
"Wrath ofthe Almighty" edge to it.
How am I supposed to strike fear into
hearts ofthe wicked with this thing?
Look at this.
Well, then, you know, don't use a gun.
Lay the place to waste like.
Easy foryou to say.
You get off light in a razing.
You got to stand there and read
at Sodom and Gomorrah.
I had to do all the work.
What work did you do?
You lit a few fires.
I rained down sulfur.
There's a subtle difference.
Okay, I'm sure.
Fuckyou. Any moron with a pack
of matches can set a fire.
Raining down sulfur
is like an endurance trial.
Mass genocide is the most
exhausting activity one can engage in...
next to soccer.
I'll take this one.
So, what's up? You have a friend for
Silent Bob, or areyou gonna do us both?
Ifso, I'm first.
I hate sloppy seconds.
You're a man of principle.
Jersey's pretty far from McHenry.
May I ask what brought you here?
Some fuck named John Hughes.
Sixteen Candles John Hughes?
You know that guy too?
That fuckin´ guy.
He made this flick Sixteen Candles.
Not bad.
There's tits in it, but no bush.