
Then it hits me.
We could live like phat rats...

if we were the blunt connection
in Shermer, Illinois.

So we collected some money
we were owed and caught a bus.

But you know what the fuck
we found out when we got there?

There is no Shermer, Illinois.
Movies are fuckinĀ“ bullshit.
- When are you going back to NewJersey?
- This broad asks a lot ofquestions.

- Tomorrow.
- Tomorrow.

Yeah. So you do anal?
Is it true that chicks fart
if you blast them in the ass?

I didn't ask you out for sex.
I'll take head.
This is gonna sound really bad. I can't
believe I'm even thinking about this.

I think I should go with you.
Like steady?
You wanna be my girlfriend?

All right, but Silent Bob gets
to live with us and you pay the rent.

No. I wanna go with you
to NewJersey.

You're going to lead me somewhere.
Me lead you?
Lady, look at me. I don't even know
where I am half the time.

If we're not gonna fuck, then what
the fuck did you ask us out for?

Someone told me I'd meet you and you'd
take me someplace I was supposed to go.

What the hell are you babbling about?
We saved your ass from
some angry fuckinĀ“ dwarves...

and now we're supposed to take you
somewhere as if we know where it is?

Do you believe in God?
Holy fuck! All the fine, immoral bitches
out in front of that place...

and we gotta get the oneJesus freak?
- Let's get the fuck out ofhere.
- Wait.

- I'll scream rape.
- I can payyou.

A hundred bucks
for being my guide.

You were going toJersey anyway.
All I'm asking is to tag along.
