And being that I can't even
trust you enough to kill a woman...
well, I'm left with no choice...
but to seek outside assistance
in guarding said package.
I'm gonna have to summon
the Golgothan.
I appreciate the loan, brother.
You can have that back.
Man, I remember when all we used to have
for breakfast was fish and goat's milk.
- What doyou call this shit?
- Egga Mooby Muffin.
Now, how ´bout you start explaining
some things, like for starters...
how did you know
where to find us?
Do you know what the dead do
with most of their time?
Watch the living.
Especially in the shower.
I can't wait to die.
And why areyou watching me?
Because you're the one who's gonna
help me get some changes made...
in that book
you put so much stock in.
- Hustler?
- The Bible!
- What's your beefwith the Bible?
- For starters, I'm not in it.
Neither are any of us, but you
don't hear us bitchin´ and moanin´.
But I'm supposed to be in it.
I was the 13th Apostle.
I've gone to church my whole life and
never heard of Rufus, the 13th Apostle.
But you heard of
the other 12 Apostles.
They were all white boys, I might add.
But no mention of me, Rufus.
And why is that?
'cause I'm a black man.
Butyou know what?
That's just my pet peeve.
I'm mainly here to correct a major error
you've been basing your faith on.
- What's that?
-Jesus wasn't white.Jesus was black.
I don't buy it.
If that's true, why did He get
written about and you were left out?
Well, He is the Son ofGod.
Kind of hard to have
a New Testament without him.
So you fudge a few facts,
you put a spin on his ethnicity.