- Hustler?
- The Bible!
- What's your beefwith the Bible?
- For starters, I'm not in it.
Neither are any of us, but you
don't hear us bitchin´ and moanin´.
But I'm supposed to be in it.
I was the 13th Apostle.
I've gone to church my whole life and
never heard of Rufus, the 13th Apostle.
But you heard of
the other 12 Apostles.
They were all white boys, I might add.
But no mention of me, Rufus.
And why is that?
'cause I'm a black man.
Butyou know what?
That's just my pet peeve.
I'm mainly here to correct a major error
you've been basing your faith on.
- What's that?
-Jesus wasn't white.Jesus was black.
I don't buy it.
If that's true, why did He get
written about and you were left out?
Well, He is the Son ofGod.
Kind of hard to have
a New Testament without him.
So you fudge a few facts,
you put a spin on his ethnicity.
Leaving me out is okay 'cause you
still got 1 2 white boys to choose from.
- Areyou gonna listen to this shit?
- That's what people of Antioch said...
right before they stoned my ass.
You were martyred?
That's one way of puttin´ it.
Anotherway is to say I was bludgeoned
to shit by big fucking rocks.
White folks only wanna hear
the good shit--
Iife eternal,
a place in God's Heaven.
But as soon as you hear
that you're gettin´ this good shit...
from a black Jesus, ya freak.
And that, my friends,
is called hypocrisy.
A black man can steal your stereo,
but he can't beyour savior.
You gonna eat that hash brown?
So, you went to Heaven?
Damn right I went to Heaven!
That's the least He could do.
In the three years I followed His ass
around Jerusalem, did I ever get laid?
Hell no.
And I was in my prime.
I could have been knee-deep
in shepherds´ daughters...