not to mention fine-ass
Mary Magdalene.
She had a thing for dark meat,
if you follow me.
Maybe this is just me talking,
but ifl were in Heaven...
I wouldn't care what the Bible said
as long as they got the message right.
The message is what counts.
But folks who build their faith
on that message should be color blind.
And all my rabble-rousing
is not doing that much above.
So I'm gonna need
some help down here.
That's why I'm gonna help you stop those
angels from gettinĀ“ into that church...
in exchange foryou helping me
with my campaign.
How do you know about that,
the angels?
- Isn't much I don't know about you.
- I find that hard to believe.
When you were five, you let a kid
from next door piss on your hand.
You did that shit?
You're nasty.
I never told anybody about that.
Neither did he.
Two years later,
that kid died of leukemia.
His name was Brian Johnson.
Your exploits,
no matter how inane...
are well documented in Heaven.
Probably Hell too.
Where are you going?
Tell me somethinĀ“ about me.
You masturbate more than anyone
on the planet.
Fuck. Everyone knows that.
Tell me something nobody knows.
When you do it,
you're thinking about guys.
- Dude, not all the time.
- Sorry ifl scared you.
Two-thirds ofme wants to
forget about this and go home.
Yesterday, I wasn't sure
God even existed.
Now I'm up to my ass
in Christian mythology.
Let me let you in
on a little inside info.
God hates it when
it's referred to as "mythology."