Your exploits,
no matter how inane...
are well documented in Heaven.
Probably Hell too.
Where are you going?
Tell me somethinĀ“ about me.
You masturbate more than anyone
on the planet.
Fuck. Everyone knows that.
Tell me something nobody knows.
When you do it,
you're thinking about guys.
- Dude, not all the time.
- Sorry ifl scared you.
Two-thirds ofme wants to
forget about this and go home.
Yesterday, I wasn't sure
God even existed.
Now I'm up to my ass
in Christian mythology.
Let me let you in
on a little inside info.
God hates it when
it's referred to as "mythology."
Oh, well, then let's ask the "prophets"
what we should call it instead.
Where did those two assholes go?
What are you doing?
Proving to this bastard
I ain't gay.
- What?
- Long story. Forget it.
We gotta get movinĀ“.
How can we get to Jersey?
We'll take the train.
I'll call for reservations.