Do you think
most people would say...
that teenage beauty pageants
are a good idea?
Oh, yeah, sure.
I know what some of your
big-city, no-bra-wearin'...
women libbers might say.
They might say that a pageant...
is old-fashioned
and demeaning to the girls.
What's sick is women
dressing like men.
You betcha, Iris.
No, I think you boys
are going to find something...
a little bit different
here in Mount Rose.
For one thing,
we're all God-fearin' folk.
Every last one of us.
And you will not find a
"back room" in our video store.
No, that filth is better
left to the sin cities.
A.k. a. Minneapolis, St. Paul.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Freda, sure.
She was the oldest
living Lutheran.
Now she's as dead as a doornail.
It's the damn Shriners
who won't take down...
that goddamn sign,
the lazy sons of bitches.
Every year... every damn year,
I tell 'em...
"Take down
the goddamn Freda sign...
"you lazy sons of bitches!"
Today's "to do" list includes
a trip to the Mall of America...
where we are going
to be buying outfits...
for the physical fitness number.
Nothing too showy.
No. You betcha, Iris.
We need that third judge.
Gosh, don't let me forget...
We need to think of a theme.
Gladys, look out!
Gosh darn it.
Hello, Father Dunegan.
Sidewalks? Sidewalks?
Iris, stop it.
It's not his fault.
The communal wine just proves
too tempting for some of them.
That's why we Lutherans
use grape Kool-Aid...
for the blood of Christ.
There's a parking space
over there.