If I was a betting woman...
and there was a line
on this in Vegas...
I'd lay down ten to one
that it all comes down...
to Amber Atkins
and Becky Leeman.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
What a showdown this should be.
If Cain and Abel...
Oh, God!
That's so embarrassing.
My winning the Mount Rose...
American Teen Princess Pageant
really changed my life.
Amber does my hair once a week.
Well, it's the least I can do...
for the reigning Mount Rose
American Teen Princess.
- Oh, God.
- What?
Oh, just a little snarl.
Don't tell.
What? Oh, my God.
Lights, camera, and me
without a stitch of makeup on.
What are you guys doing here?
What are you doing here?
Oh, Amber, like you're
the only one who visits Mary?
Who are you?
"Who are you?"
Oh, Mary, you kill me.
She always says that.
It's a little game
we play every week.
Same dippy little look
on her face.
"Who are you? Who are you?"
Just like that.
It's me... Becky.
And I brought your favorites.
Real nice, Becky.
She's anorexic.
She's skinny, Amber, not deaf.
So, beyond this pageant
you must have certain dreams...