the one with the glass eye...
the Candy Man...
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
- Yeah, the Jew.
Nice one, Dad. He's dead.
Yeah. Then we have
the Judges Interview.
Where each girl has a little
ten-minute get-together...
with the judges
prior to the pageant.
Then we have the...
Hello, Tony.
Hey to the folks.
Yeah, all right.
Gladys, the Judges Interview.
So you've judged a lot
of pageants over the years?
No. No. No way. No.
Never judged a pageant
before in my life.
No way.
Never been around young girls.
I mean, even if I was...
I mean, why would I want
to be, you know?
I don't get off
on that kind of thing.
That's really
why you're asking, right?
Someone say something?
Do you judge the pageant
every year?
No. I've never judged
nothin' before.
Harold, are we on "Cops"?
Are we on "Cops," Harold?
Shut up, Hank.
This here's business.
Mom said not in the head!
Well, Mom's dead,
so shut your flytrap.
I will if you shut your piehole.
Don't make me...
Don't make me kick you
where the good Lord...
Don't make me
split you where you...
Come on!
You want some of this!