Oh, my God.
Hey, hey, hey! Family?
No, she's just screaming "Mom"
because she's got Turret's.
She's Annette's kid, dipshit.
She's alive, sweetie.
She's right over there.
I'll be right behind you
in the hearse, OK?
Don't let that worry you,
So, Doctor, is this sort
of an unusual injury?
This was a doozie.
Right now our chief concern
is to stabilize Annette here...
and then in surgery...
remove this.
Oh, God.
Oh, Mom, it's so ugly.
Ruined a brand-new pair
of Lee Press-Ons.
Well, I sat down to have a beer,
and kablooey.
Next thing I know...
something blows
through my kitchen window...
and I'm ass-up
in somebody's flower bed.
Hey, ass-wipe, quit dicking
around with the camera.
Just put another book under it.
Dude, don't say "ass-wipe. "
Mom's got the window open.
We gotta hurry up, though...
because we only got three
frickin' minutes on the battery.
All right, ready.
One, two...
One, two, three!
Let's get out of here!
I shoved your tap shoes
in my panties...
before I was blown
out of the house.
You go find the guy
who cut 'em off.
He'll give 'em to you...
so you can practice
for the pageant.