Okay, so he wasn't that well trained.
Still, Dudley was a member
in good standing...
of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
He had his own grown-up fort.
He had his own grown-up office.
He had indeed grown up...
to be brave and strong and cool.
Now, Dudley's lifelong rival,
Snidely K. Whiplash...
had fulfilled his destiny as well.
He had become the bad guy...
and he had brought a bunch of his
bad-guy friends with him.
Can l help you?
Could you wait till
everyone's in, please?
- What's the meaning of this?
- This is a holdup.
Now give us all your gold and all
your money or we'll shoot you.
- All of you?
- All of us!
No, wait.
Kevin, go and get the money.
- Yes, sir.
- Don't forget the gold.
And don't forget the gold.
lt's been a pleasure
doing business with you.
We got the money and the gold!
Let's go, boys!
Snidely knew the call would go out
to Canada's number one Mountie.
Too bad he was tied up
with official Mountie business.
The anchovies go on the half
with the pepperoni...
and then it's one-quarter garlic
and one-quarter olives.
Good. Twenty minutes?
That's it.
Thanks, Mom.
l love you too.
Here we go.
Meanwhile, back at Snidely's
not-so-secret hideout--
Here's the money,
but where's the gold?
- Whiplash took it.
- Where is Whiplash?
He's got to be here somewhere.
He took off with all the gold!
All we have is this measly $26,000!