No, wait.
Kevin, go and get the money.
- Yes, sir.
- Don't forget the gold.
And don't forget the gold.
lt's been a pleasure
doing business with you.
We got the money and the gold!
Let's go, boys!
Snidely knew the call would go out
to Canada's number one Mountie.
Too bad he was tied up
with official Mountie business.
The anchovies go on the half
with the pepperoni...
and then it's one-quarter garlic
and one-quarter olives.
Good. Twenty minutes?
That's it.
Thanks, Mom.
l love you too.
Here we go.
Meanwhile, back at Snidely's
not-so-secret hideout--
Here's the money,
but where's the gold?
- Whiplash took it.
- Where is Whiplash?
He's got to be here somewhere.
He took off with all the gold!
All we have is this measly $26,000!
We got to find Whip!
He's tricked us!
And when we do,
we're gonna kill him--
really slowly.
- Yeah, but where is he?
- That's a good question.
- l heard he was in the Sudan.
- Where's that?
ln Africa, stupid.
- He's supposedly at the Hilton Hotel.
- The Hilton, eh?
Come on, boys!
Let's go get him!
What the boys didn't know was that
it was Snidely himself who was...
sending them to the far reaches
of the world.
Yes, he really was
a very bad guy.
lt's all so easy.
All you have to do is find 999...
of the stupidest criminals
in North America...
and everything just falls into place.
There's only one man
who can stop me now.
And that one man could only be...
Dudley Do-Right
of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.