l'm gonna warn you--
l've got garlic in here.
lt's me, Dudley.
lt's Nell Fenwick.
Don't try and confuse me.
l know you're a vampire.
And l can prove it too, because only
a vampire wouldn't know the answer...
to this simple Canadian question.
- What is Wayne Gretzky's middle name?
- Well, l don't know, Dudley.
Well, do you?
No, l don't.
Oh, my God.
- l am a vampire!
- You're not a vampire, Dudley.
ls something burning?
Yeah, right. Like you think l'm stupid
enough to fall for that old trick.
lt was at that precise moment
when Nell remembered...
that famous Mountie movie song.
When l'm calling you
lt really is you!
Will you answer too
That means l offer my love
To you
lf you refuse me
What shall l do
When l'm calling you
- Won't you come in, Nell?
- Sure.
What have you been doing
all these years?
l went out and saw the world,
just like l planned.
l got my masters in philosophy
from Yale...
a Ph.D in international diplomacy
from Harvard.
And then l served
as US ambassador to Guam.
now l've come home to get the one thing
a good education can't buy.