lt really is you!
Will you answer too
That means l offer my love
To you
lf you refuse me
What shall l do
When l'm calling you
- Won't you come in, Nell?
- Sure.
What have you been doing
all these years?
l went out and saw the world,
just like l planned.
l got my masters in philosophy
from Yale...
a Ph.D in international diplomacy
from Harvard.
And then l served
as US ambassador to Guam.
now l've come home to get the one thing
a good education can't buy.
Oh, l got you. You want one of those
fuzzy plaid blankets...
they sell down at the Mountie store.
- Beach house with a hot tub?
- No. l just--
Let's not play games, Nell.
l haven't had the chance to say
these words before and--
When l'm calling you
- Enough with the song.
- Got it.
- l'm sorry. Where was l?
- Maybe we should just go out.
l hear they're having an authentic corn
festival dance at the reservation...
- with fireworks and everything.
- Or picture this.
A quiet evening in front of the fire
avec moi...
toasting marshmallows,
drinking Ovaltine.