Oh, l got you. You want one of those
fuzzy plaid blankets...
they sell down at the Mountie store.
- Beach house with a hot tub?
- No. l just--
Let's not play games, Nell.
l haven't had the chance to say
these words before and--
When l'm calling you
- Enough with the song.
- Got it.
- l'm sorry. Where was l?
- Maybe we should just go out.
l hear they're having an authentic corn
festival dance at the reservation...
- with fireworks and everything.
- Or picture this.
A quiet evening in front of the fire
avec moi...
toasting marshmallows,
drinking Ovaltine.
Oh! Now l remember
what l was going to say.
Nell Fenwick, l--
Nell, l love you.
Though she had traveled far and wide,
never before...
had Nell heard a confession of love
from a moose.
Let's just go to the corn festival.
l'll get around to fixing
the floorboards next Tuesday.
l hope it's not hunting season.
A little help here
for the moose? Please?
- When l'm calling you
- Thank you.