Dudley Do-Right

Oh! Now l remember
what l was going to say.

Nell Fenwick, l--
Nell, l love you.
Though she had traveled far and wide,
never before...

had Nell heard a confession of love
from a moose.

Let's just go to the corn festival.
l'll get around to fixing
the floorboards next Tuesday.

l hope it's not hunting season.
A little help here
for the moose? Please?

- When l'm calling you
- Thank you.

After finding the nearest
moose head removal service...

Dudley and Nell made their way
to the corn festival.

This is totally authentic.
This is Canada, Nell.
Things are real up here.
Oh! Say, there's the chief.
Oh, Chief!
Yes, it was the chief
of that rarely studied tribe...

of South Brooklyn lndians
known as the Canarsie Kumquats...

or just the Kumquats, for short.
Long time no see.
You remember Nell.
Nell Fenwick! You look terrific!
How's it going?

- Me do well.
- Good for you, sugar.

Well, come on.
Let's go see the show.
