Dudley Do-Right

Yeah. Well, that's a fine way
to talk to your chief.

lf you'll excuse me,
this particular Mountie has a date.

Oh, Dudley, l wish we could have stayed
for the fireworks.

Fireworks are even more beautiful
from this vantage point.

When l'm calling you
- Dudley?
- Yes, Nell?

- Not now, okay?
- Yes, Nell.

- Let's just row.
- Of course, Nell.

Meanwhile, that very same night,
the poorest man in Semi-Happy Valley...

was about to strike it rich.
Enjoying your evening thus far?
Thought l'd just drop in.
Found some gold, have we?

There's no gold anywhere
around here.

Oh, but there is.
Lots of it.

All over the place. And you,
you horrid example of a human being...

have made the initial discovery.
You're famous.
You will be on network television.

Network television?
No way!
Now stand up,
hold the pan out and smile.

Can l-- Can l borrow your comb?
Shut up and grin.
- Welcome to our show. Have a seat.
- Hi. How are you?

They're calling this the biggest
gold strike in history.

Certainly it's the biggest gold find
of the century.

And the man who made it all possible
is here for an exclusive interview.

Mr. Kim J. Darling.
Welcome, Kim.

- What's happening, Regis?
- l'll tell you what's happening.

You're what's happening.
Headlines all over the world.

How's it feel to have made the biggest
gold find in a century?

Well, l-- l feel lightheaded,
Kathie Lee.

Your story certainly has taken
the whole world by storm.

But Reg, the sad part is--
at least for Kim--
