is that he found all this gold...
- on land he doesn't own.
- l did?
But the owner is staking no claim.
He says whoever finds the gold
gets to keep it.
And that's why the big gold rush
is on for northern Canada.
Stay tuned. Bette Midler is next.
- No!
- Yeah.
Meanwhile, on the US-Canadian border...
all is tranquil, as usual.
You want some of me?
You want some of Dwayne Cuffman?
Come on!
Hey, stop-- What--
l must see your passports!
Trouble along the Canadian-US border
continues to mount.
They seem to be yuppie wetbacks,
- but a lot of them are dentists.
- And this just in.
Scientists discovered that Canadian
bacon is actually ordinary ham.
What could be better than a plan
working exactly as you planned it?
That's what's better.
Drop it, Whiplash.
- lt's about time you showed up.
- About time?
We're here to kill you.
That won't be necessary.
Gentlemen, forgive my manners.
Please, take a seat.
- You weren't in the Sudan.
- You don't say.
- Where are all the other men?
- Where are they?
They're all over the place--
Heathrow, the Rome airport, Mozambique--
We all ran out of money.
This could be the right-sized group
l've been looking for.