
- Yes ?
- lsn't this show similar to
a show P.B.S. had in the '70s ?

- The Loud Family ?
- No, no, this is completely different.

We are gonna--
We're gonna pick one person,

one, one normal person,
not like you folks.
And we're gonna put that person's life
on television all day long, live.

lt's not P.B.S.,
it's not Real World.

We're not gonna film it
and then edit it later.

ls that how l sound ?
l don't sound like that, do l ?

- More or less.
- On a good day.

You never said anything ?
- l don't mean to be negative here.
- Ooh !

Hey !
l know this was your idea, but doesn't
this have a great chance of being--

A big, smelly bomb ?
Oh, you betcha ! Yeah.

And wouldn't that be,
you know, a bad thing ?

Keith, we're getting our butts kicked
by the Gardening Channel.

People would rather watch soil.
We are this close to having
chalk outlines around our careers.

l love that we're doing this,
and l love that it's risky.

All anyone every does
in this business is follow the pack.

Hell, if people tune into this twice
a day for five minutes, we're a hit.

You know what finally
convinced me that this could work ?

Half a dozen wine coolers ?
When l realized that
the person we pick,

the guy that's on TV
all day long, doesn't have to be good.

- lf he's good, great,
but if he's bad, even better.
- Bad is better ?

People can't turn away from an accident.
You drive by and say,

"Ooh, l hope there's not
a head in the road. That would be--"

But then you look.
You don't wanna miss it.

So we put a guy on TV,
and we sit and wait and see...

if that head starts rollin'
down the highway.

Now that's fun
for the whole family.

- So, what's our next step ?
- We find ourselves
a big, fat rolling head.

Are you seeing this ?
Are you looking around you ?

God, you know what this is ?
This is a horror show.
- What are you going off
about now, John Boy ?
- This doesn't bug you ?
