
l love that we're doing this,
and l love that it's risky.

All anyone every does
in this business is follow the pack.

Hell, if people tune into this twice
a day for five minutes, we're a hit.

You know what finally
convinced me that this could work ?

Half a dozen wine coolers ?
When l realized that
the person we pick,

the guy that's on TV
all day long, doesn't have to be good.

- lf he's good, great,
but if he's bad, even better.
- Bad is better ?

People can't turn away from an accident.
You drive by and say,

"Ooh, l hope there's not
a head in the road. That would be--"

But then you look.
You don't wanna miss it.

So we put a guy on TV,
and we sit and wait and see...

if that head starts rollin'
down the highway.

Now that's fun
for the whole family.

- So, what's our next step ?
- We find ourselves
a big, fat rolling head.

Are you seeing this ?
Are you looking around you ?

God, you know what this is ?
This is a horror show.
- What are you going off
about now, John Boy ?
- This doesn't bug you ?

All our friends and
everybody getting married,

and are having kids
and their careers.

- Their kids are having careers.
lt's a mess.
- Why would that bug me ?

Look at us, right ?
We are doin' fine.

Oh. Okay.
You have a beer around your neck.

- Okay ?
- That's my point !

- Your brother's here.
- Hey, go long, man.

l'm gonna go say hi to Kim.
Yeah. Listen, that was great
tonight. l loved it. Oh, man !

- lnsane, Ray.
- What's goin' on ?

l'm tellin' ya, it's weird.
We meet, we go out and bing-bang-boom,
she's got me meetin' her parents.

What do you mean,
bing-bang-boom, buddy ?

You've been goin' out with her
for six months.

- Yeah ?
- Yeah.

l suddenly feel like
the walls are closing in on me.

You know ? The father is sittin' there
askin' me about my career prospects.

- What was l saying ?
- Can you believe that ?

Oh, at dinner,
the dog is sniffing my balls.
