and I think it really
reflected poorly on all ofus.
Jim: Now Tracy Flick
was poised to win
the presidency
ofthe student body.
And so far,
she was running unopposed.
Determined by a culture
at a certain time in history.
Jim: Oh, there's
one more thing about Tracy
I think you should know.
Her pussy gets so wet
you can't believe it.
Don't tell me that.
Don't tell me that.
I don't want to know that.
Jim: A few months
before the election,
she'd gotten herself
in a little trouble
with my best friend
Dave Novotny.
Jim: Dave came to Carver
the year after I did,
and we hit it off right away.
Dave was one of those guys
who taught
because they never wanted
to leave high school
in the first place.
But basically, he was a good guy.
Our wives became best friends, too.
And when Dave and Linda's
son Darryl was born,
they asked us to be
his godparents.
Tracy: You probably think the worst,
that Mr. Novotny was
taking horrible advantage
of one of his students.
But it wasn't like that at all.
Our relationship was
based on mutual respect
and admiration.
I mean, during my
sophomore year in geometry,
it was strictly
professional between us.
I mean, nothing.
It wasn't until junior year
when we worked together
on the year book
that things got kind of serious.
One night he took
us editors out to celebrate
after a deadline.
Eventually, Dave and I
were left alone,
and we got to talking.
Not like teacher and student,
but like 2 adults.
You know, Tracy,
I notice that
you don't seem to have
any close friends at Carver.
You seem to be kind of a loner.
No, I'm not.
I'm just real busy.
Oh, no. I know, I know
it's not by choice.
I just mean that, that, well...
being the kind of person you are,
it must be really difficult foryou
to find somebody
you could talk to.
What do you mean?
What kind of person am l?