of one of his students.
But it wasn't like that at all.
Our relationship was
based on mutual respect
and admiration.
I mean, during my
sophomore year in geometry,
it was strictly
professional between us.
I mean, nothing.
It wasn't until junior year
when we worked together
on the year book
that things got kind of serious.
One night he took
us editors out to celebrate
after a deadline.
Eventually, Dave and I
were left alone,
and we got to talking.
Not like teacher and student,
but like 2 adults.
You know, Tracy,
I notice that
you don't seem to have
any close friends at Carver.
You seem to be kind of a loner.
No, I'm not.
I'm just real busy.
Oh, no. I know, I know
it's not by choice.
I just mean that, that, well...
being the kind of person you are,
it must be really difficult foryou
to find somebody
you could talk to.
What do you mean?
What kind of person am l?
Tracy, you know, I've been
watching you for going on...
3 years now,
and I think you are
one of the most talented,
sensitive, attractive,
brilliant students l--
Human beings I have ever met.
Thank you.
And I know that
sometimes people like you
have to pay a price
for their greatness.
And that price is loneliness.
I don't know.
maybe I'm wrong, but...
it just seems to me like
you might need a friend.
Tracy: Since I grew up
without a dad,
you might assume, psychologically,
I was looking
for a father figure.
But that had nothing
to do with it at all.
It was just that
Dave was so strong,
and he made me feel
so safe and protected.
It was the first time
somebody ever saw the real me,