Frankly, we had a big problem
with your previous software.
Of course,
I don't choose what we buy.
I'm just a servant.
I clean up the mess.
I don't choose what we sell.
Granted! But if everyone followed
basic programming rules,
we'd have less anarchy.
But they don't!
They just do what they like!
No cooperation!
No planning! No harmony!
Paris is a ghastly city.
Nobody connects.
It's all superficial.
Nobody cares - hello -
about their work.
They're gone at 6,
even if the job's not done!
In Paris
you could die in the street,
nobody'd lift a finger.
Where I come from,
in Béarn, life is real.
People know me,
and they know I know them.
Every weekend,
Catherine went home to Béarn.
She was taking night classes
to get ahead.
In 3 years, with luck,
she might get a degree.
What do you study?
Financial control,
factoral analysis,
accountancy, algorithms.
Must be hard work.
It was hard work.
But she wasn't scared of work.
She worked till midnight
alone in her bed-sit, studying.
You have to fight
for what you want, no?
That's what I think, anyway.
Maybe Catherine and I
would hit it off.
She seemed determined
to keep control.
All I had to do
was turn up and teach.
That suited me fine.