Jane, why didn't you wait?
Are you crying?
What's the matter?
They didn't have any Kleenex
in the hotel bathroom.
What's going on, Jane?
I've been sitting in the lobby
for the last two hours.
Doing what?
I'm sorry I didn't call last night.
I could tell that you were worried--
If something's wrong, just say it, Jane.
I mean, we don't....
We never had to fake it.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to London.
There's a job. A good job.
An editor's position.
I've been trying to figure out a way
to tell you but everything sounds so....
What can I say?
Tell me what to say.
I can't tell you, Billy.
It's all right.
I knew it...
...the day I met you five years ago.
-You knew what?
-You don't need me.
You and the ball and the diamond,
you're perfect. A perfectly beautiful thing.
You can win or lose the game
all by yourself.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.