Foreign Correspondents

Your country, for instance.
What's its attitude toward these matters?

We're now near the Savoy.
- How much?
- A shilling.

That's fine.
By the way, young man,
what newspaper do you represent?

As a matter of fact,
I'm not exactly a reporter...

but I was trying to get you to talk.
I didn't want bird talk either.

I gathered that.
Just what was it
that you were trying to get me to tell you?

I'm trying to find out what you know
about the possibility of a general war.

How do you really feel about it?
My boy, I feel very old and sad...
and helpless.
I did have one.
The last news from Poland
was very alarming.

- Nobody wants a war...
- Then we don't have to have it.

You must understand, often circumstances
over which we've no control...

Yes, those convenient circumstances
over which we have no control.

It's always odd,
but they usually bring on a war.

You never hear of circumstances
over which we've no control...

rushing us into peace, do you?
Very determined woman, my daughter.
Come on. Let's go and see
if you can pick a fight somewhere else.
