I did have one.
The last news from Poland
was very alarming.
- Nobody wants a war...
- Then we don't have to have it.
You must understand, often circumstances
over which we've no control...
Yes, those convenient circumstances
over which we have no control.
It's always odd,
but they usually bring on a war.
You never hear of circumstances
over which we've no control...
rushing us into peace, do you?
Very determined woman, my daughter.
Come on. Let's go and see
if you can pick a fight somewhere else.
- Good for you.
- Wasn't he a bore?
Many worthy people are, bless them.
How do you like to be fishing in Ireland
right now?
We haven't had a good sail
or swim together in months.
Not even a game of cribbage. Miss them?
There's the Admiral.
He has a weakness for you.
Go on. Do your stuff.
Here you are. The Jones that became
a Haverstock. Have a good trip?
Still wish you were Richard Harding Davis.
- So do I, sir. Anything except...
- Hello.
Mrs. Appleby, meet Huntley Haverstock,
Special Correspondent, New York Globe.
- Foreign correspondent? Not really.
- Cross my heart.
You look such a dear, sweet boy.
You don't seem a bit like the others.
But I'm sure you're marvelous at it.
Do you know a friend of mine,
Monte Rockingham?
He's in the embassy at Istanbul.
Or is it Honolulu?
Do help me with this
distinguished-looking gentleman here.
I can't make any headway with him,
but I'm sure he speaks some language.
I haven't the least idea who he is...
but there's nobody here
who isn't internationally important.
- This is Mr. Haver...
- Stock.