No English?
Try German.
Splendid. What else do you know?
- Only pig Latin.
- Pig Latin.
Here we are. This will do it.
Now we're getting somewhere.
The universal language.
Dear Maharajah.
Well, they come in pairs.
If you speak English,
give me a hand with the laughing Latvian.
- What's his racket? What's he talking?
- Latvian.
No kidding. I didn't know
the Lats had a language.
I thought they just rubbed noses.
- You mean you actually speak Latvian?
- Just enough to get about.
What does just enough to get about
consist of in Latvian?
I don't think you'd have any trouble.
Be a comfort to know when I get to Latvia.
You think there's a chance
of you getting to Latvia soon?
Never can tell in my racket.
I suppose you've guessed
I'm a foreign correspondent.
Are you? That's nice.
I see you're taking notes.
Are you covering this affair, too?
I sort of work here.
Publicity? You're just the one
I'm looking for.
We've got to go in a secret conference
right away.
Me? Excuse me.
I beg your pardon, sir.
I have a Latvian friend here...
who's particularly interested
in the origin of the kilt.
I wonder if you'd be interested
in talking to him. He's a lovely fellow.
It's a most amazing story.
You see, the Greeks, in the early period,
they used to wear a kilt.
Now, what is this big secret conference
all about?
It's no secret as far as I'm concerned.
However, I'll let you in on that later.
Since you're handling publicity here,
give me a line on what it's about...
this league for peace and understanding.
Just what is it you'd like to know?