Hello, Sarris. How you doing ?
Better than my lieutenant.
He failed to activate the ship's
neutron armor as quickly as I'd hoped...
on our last encounter.
Yeah, well, you know,
I'd like to say I'm real sorry
about what happened before.
The whole thing was just--
just a misunderstanding .
Deliver the device to me,
or I will destroy your ship.
You know, um,
we'd like do that,
but frankly, Sarris, sir, we don't know
what it is or even where it is.
You have ten seconds !
I don't-- Ten seconds ?
I don't-- There--
You know-- Okay. Gosh darn it,
I give up. It's yours. You can have it.
You have to give me a minute
to put it in a box for you, okay ?
- Gwen.
Don't panic. I've dealt with
this guy before. He's as stupid
as he is ugly. Come here.
- Jason.
- Not now, Gwen. Sit, sit, sit, sit.
We're gonna send everything
we can at him, all right ?
- Jason.
- Not now, Gwen !
Push these red buttons and send
everything we have towards him, okay ?
- Okay.
- All right, Gwen.
- Put me back on with him.
- Well, I'm trying to tell you,
you are back with him.
Perhaps I'm not as stupid
as I am ugly, Commander.
I gave you the...
"kill" gesture.
No, you gave me
the "we're dead" signal.
I was agreeing with you.
Like I know where the hold button is.
Hey, guys.
- There's a red, uh, thingy...
moving toward the green thingy.
- What ?
- Red thingy moving
toward the green thingy.
I think-- I think
we're the green thingy.
A little present
for you, Commander.
We gotta get out of here. Move
this ship. Turn it. Move ! Let's go !