Push these red buttons and send
everything we have towards him, okay ?
- Okay.
- All right, Gwen.
- Put me back on with him.
- Well, I'm trying to tell you,
you are back with him.
Perhaps I'm not as stupid
as I am ugly, Commander.
I gave you the...
"kill" gesture.
No, you gave me
the "we're dead" signal.
I was agreeing with you.
Like I know where the hold button is.
Hey, guys.
- There's a red, uh, thingy...
moving toward the green thingy.
- What ?
- Red thingy moving
toward the green thingy.
I think-- I think
we're the green thingy.
A little present
for you, Commander.
We gotta get out of here. Move
this ship. Turn it. Move ! Let's go !
- Tommy, let's go !
Get us out of here !
- Jason, what do I do ?
Go, go, go !
Whoo !
They're turning .
They're coming !
Thrust ahead, full !
Fire at will.
- Go faster, Tommy !
- I'm going as fast as I can !
- She's still behind us !
Well, uh, uh, press turbo. I'm always
saying, "Press the turbo," right ?
- Oh, it's here. Right here.
- Press it and hold it down.
- Whoo !
The enemy is matching velocity.
- Enemy is matching velocity.
- We heard it the first time !