Grey Owl

I've not done too much
speakin' in public before.

To tell the truth, I feel like
the snake that swallowed the icicle.

Oh, look!
Hello, you two.
You come to help me out?

These little fellas
live with us.

We call them the micks.
The Ojibwa name for beaver is ahmik,
"little talking brother. "

And they do talk too.
Can you say "hi" to everyone?
Beavers are family-minded,
you know.

A beaver pair will stay together
for life, just like us... some of us.

We're not planning on
holding on to these kittens too long.

As soon as they've grown,
we'll let them go back into the wild,

have some babies of their own.
The fact is...
I used to trap beaver.
But a few weeks ago I quit.
Never thought I would.

Now I know it's wrong.
They're almost extinct.

Too many trappers,
not enough beaver.

When the beaver have gone
from the north...

Maybe you don't know, but these little
fellas make the north the way it is.

They build their dams,
make their ponds...

where the moose feed,
the muskrats, the waterfowl.

Come the spring, they open up
their dams, let the meltwater run...

and you've got an irrigation system
a thousand miles wide.

Take away the beaver,
and you break the chain.

So I'm speakin' up
for the beaver now.

If we don't watch out,
there'll just be
another extinct species.

I guess I feel it
more than most because...
