Grey Owl

- Feathers?
- Why not?

Most Indians are like my dad...
ashamed of what they are.

Put a feather in their hair, you're
saying, "I'm Indian and proud of it. "

I know that what brings
you good people to Wabikon Lodge...

is not only the fine cuisine.
Or the friendly service.
The man who's going
to speak to you...

is an Ojibwa Indian who's lived
all his life in these forests.

I can't do this.
- He's paying cash. Think of the money.
- Ladies and gentlemen.

Mesdames et messieurs.
He's also the guide
who wrote those terrific articles...

in Forest and Outdoors.
Pretty good, aren't they?
Just talk the way you write.
So, ladies and gentlemen, mesdames
et messieurs, I give you Grey Owl.

Thank you.
I've not done too much
speakin' in public before.

To tell the truth, I feel like
the snake that swallowed the icicle.

Oh, look!
Hello, you two.
You come to help me out?

These little fellas
live with us.

We call them the micks.
The Ojibwa name for beaver is ahmik,
"little talking brother. "

And they do talk too.
Can you say "hi" to everyone?
Beavers are family-minded,
you know.

A beaver pair will stay together
for life, just like us... some of us.

We're not planning on
holding on to these kittens too long.
