What's bitten his old bum?
He doesn't like
pretending to die.
Do you speak English?
Do you know where that is? That
restaurant? Shiva's Restaurant?
lt's a...fair way,
l suppose, is it?
'Ah, goodness,
this is busy, isn't it?'
Give me your money, please?
Give me a rupee, please?
l'm sorry, l'm from Australia.
l haven't got any, em...
any lndian money.
Are you sure this is it?
Oh, where's your sari?
- You've got this on.
- l was looking for a sari.
Oh, you're so hot!
Who's that?
The restaurant's fake holy man.
This is my friend Rahi.
- Who?
- Rahi.
lt's my Sanyasin name.
Hello, Miriam.
You need a drink.
Have you ever tried a lassi?
- A who?
- A lassi. lt's a yoghurt drink.
ls it from a bottle?
Mum, it's clean here.
Yes, only a few dozen flies.
ls there a toilet
or a hole here?
lt's a hole.