Oh, where's your sari?
- You've got this on.
- l was looking for a sari.
Oh, you're so hot!
Who's that?
The restaurant's fake holy man.
This is my friend Rahi.
- Who?
- Rahi.
lt's my Sanyasin name.
Hello, Miriam.
You need a drink.
Have you ever tried a lassi?
- A who?
- A lassi. lt's a yoghurt drink.
ls it from a bottle?
Mum, it's clean here.
Yes, only a few dozen flies.
ls there a toilet
or a hole here?
lt's a hole.
''All your father and l want...''
Oh, no...
Calmie, calm... Calmie, calm.
Mum, l've got no idea
what Prue told you.
She got really scared.
Something amazing
happened to me.
So powerful and so gentle.
lt's...hard for me to describe.
You've got to
experience Baba, Mum.