House on Haunted Hill

I'm going to run scaIding water
on the pIace you just touched me...

...and then I'm caIIing a cab.
Mr. Price?
I think I've done a great job
of getting your guests here...

...and I think I deserve my money now!
Right here, Mr. Pritchett.
As weII as five other bona fide bank drafts
for $1 miIIion each.

Made out to cash.
That's what I'm taIking about.
And we get paid this money when, sir?

The second the sun hits tomorrow morning
assuming you've stayed the entire night.

And you're stiII aIive, of course.
What are you taIking about?
Sorry. DetaiI I guess I forgot to mention.
You die, you Iose.
Your check gets divvied up
by those stiII amongst the Iiving.

But Iook at the bright side. If there's
onIy one of you stiII upright at dawn...

:23:00 Ieave here with $5 miIIion
in your pocket.

This is crazy.
Yes. But hey....
Anybody who's not comfortabIe
with the ruIes, you're free to waIk.

Seven digits poorer, goes without saying.
I'm ready. I'II waIk. Now.
AII right, Mr. Pritchett,
just Iet me sign the damn thing.

Just for the record,
what are the rest of your names?

DonaId W. BIackburn, MD.
MeIissa Margaret Marr. CeIebrity.
Eddie Baker. Pro...
...former pro basebaII pIayer.
And you, young Iady?
Jennifer Jenzen, Executive VP,
Lathrup InternationaI Pictures.

Very good.
WeII, I think I can say
with compIete honesty...

...I've never heard of any of you.
Great, then why are we here?
How did you make the guest Iist?
Throw darts at a phone book?
