...you Ieave here with $5 miIIion
in your pocket.
This is crazy.
Yes. But hey....
Anybody who's not comfortabIe
with the ruIes, you're free to waIk.
Seven digits poorer, goes without saying.
I'm ready. I'II waIk. Now.
AII right, Mr. Pritchett,
just Iet me sign the damn thing.
Just for the record,
what are the rest of your names?
DonaId W. BIackburn, MD.
MeIissa Margaret Marr. CeIebrity.
Eddie Baker. Pro...
...former pro basebaII pIayer.
And you, young Iady?
Jennifer Jenzen, Executive VP,
Lathrup InternationaI Pictures.
Very good.
WeII, I think I can say
with compIete honesty...
...I've never heard of any of you.
Great, then why are we here?
How did you make the guest Iist?
Throw darts at a phone book?
I'm sure the unexpIainabIe
wiII expIain herseIf before too Iong.
Jesus Christ.
That's it! Sorry to interrupt here.
Goddamn it!
You give me my goddamn check,
right now!
Because I want it! So you give it!
I'm serious!
I'm sorry, Pritchett.
Here you go.
You're going to miss the bash of a Iifetime.
My Ioss.
Even if I give you a miIIion?
I wouIdn't know what to do with it aII.
Thank you.
I think I got to go now.