How'd you do it?
He chose to speak.
He chose you.
Why you?
I don't know.
But I can get inside
of him now.
I just need you to... help me
to understand who he was.
And if I do, you have to get me in
to see him, to talk to him.
I'll try.
I will. I'll try.
Ben. Dr. Josephson.
I was told you made a breakthrough
on the Powell case.
- Good work.
- Thank you.
You know, I read your paper on voluntary
mutism, so I had a slight advantage.
Oh, you're the one who read it.
I'll leave you two.
Breakfast on Wednesday.
I'll call your office.
His paper on voluntary mutism...
didn't have anything to do
with the Powell case, and you know it.
- How's it going?
- Have you ever been to Harmony Bay?
- Mmm.
- Thanks, Mike.
Tell me your war stories.
You never mentioned I'd have to
be on staff there, Ben.
Well, it was
a negotiation, Theo.
They're understaffed.
You want out?
I want Powell.
He's leading me
into the jungle.
He's leading you?
- Well, I...
- You're doing the evaluation, not him.