It's crazy, Hannah.
I manage to more or less
smuggle myself through the war.
I even got out
of the Kommandantur alive.
And now I'm supposed
to take care of a little girI.
I know we wanted a child.
But you usually
have them as babies...
...and you get
a chance to know them.
That's true.
But what if the Germans find her?
I'm the one who'll have to pay.
If the Russians are that close...
...it's only a few days, right?
Germans are dying each day
Russians are on their way
-We're closed. We're closed.
-Time to open!
-Leave me alone. Go away!
What are you doing?
-You can't kill yourself.
-You got a reason why not?
Yeah, I have a good one.
That's just between you and me.
Yesterday evening
something very funny happened.
Actually, not that funny.
You might not find it funny.
-It's where I caught this cold-
-Get to the point.
The point is, my friend, yesterday after
curfew, I was in the Kommandantur-
-Are you an informer?
-Are you out of your mind?
No Jew leaves the Kommandantur
alive except informers.