Elements of the 16th Army...
...supported by flamethrowers
of the shock troops...
...of the Leningrad Division...
...are advancing with
mechanized armoured units...
...of Stalin's Soviet 6th Brigade...
...in an easterly direction,
under massive air cover.
They're headed the wrong way.
It's just a feint...
...to throw the Germans off.
Why would they announce
that on the radio?
To make the Germans think
they're invading China.
Remember, it's a world war.
Exactly right.
For example...
...in Africa, there are
tribes of cannibals...
...who've never seen a white man.
We don't want news about cannibals.
Why not?
We want to know if the Russians
are going to get here.
Technically, they're retreating.
But strategically, they're advancing.
What does that mean?
Let me show you.
Here is the front line.
Here is Bezanika.
The Russians have that.
Here's Pry.
The Germans have that.
Here is the railroad junction
at the Rudna.
That's what the Luftwaffe
were protecting yesterday.
Exactly right!
Germans don't want
the Americans to take that.
The Americans are in the war too?
They didn't say they were there.
They have problems of their own.
They're fighting on another front.
But for now, they're sending tanks.
Tanks? How many?
Not many. But enough.
And brand-new, right off
the boat from Chicago.
How could you tell
they were American?